Who Is Michael Wenneson and What Does He Do?


Michael Wenneson is a Realtor working in Minneapolis and is an investor and blogger. His goal is to provide the best information and content about real estate, personal finance as well as marketing. As a Minneapolis realtor, his knowledge is all about  Minneapolis and the surrounding areas.

How he sees himself

He calls himself a deal market and if you can’t find the perfect deal or you think you have found one, but it is gone before you can even make an offer? Then you need to get to know Michael because he knows how to make deals happen whether it is finding you the right buyer for your home or negotiating a fair price on your dream home.

What to look for

But you need to know what to look for in a realtor. There are agents that list properties and agents that help the client buy listings. So to start with, you need to know the difference between these two. A listing agent works for the seller of that listed property; they advertise this property listing, show the listing to possible buyers as well as assist in the negotiations. They get paid only after the house is sold, with their commission is a part of the sale price.

Qualities to find

You need to look for certain qualities in a realtor. One includes attention – to be successful in selling your home now, you need an agent who is proactive and attentive.


The realtor you choose must be knowledgeable in the specific area where you are planning to buy, and sell should at least offer to research all the facts for you. If they don’t – you need to find someone else.


The National Association of Realtors or NRA will tell you that all realtors who are selling homes must have a licensed for the state they work and be in either an agent/salesperson or as a broker.


Chances are that you will be working with this person for months. So, you need to make sure that the two of you “click”, they are easy to talk to and hopefully feel like they understand your needs and wants.

If Michael Wenneson has these qualities, then you should think about him working for you!