Useful Tips On Developing The Living In A Mobile Home


If you’ve never lived in a mobile home before, there can be many advantages as opposed to living in a regular house or apartment. You don’t have to actually buy a mobile home either, as there are numerous rentals available to choose from.

For example, there are a lot of mobile homes for rent in orange county, as well as the rest of California and other areas of the country.

Let’s take a look at some of the top reasons why you should consider downsizing and living in a mobile home instead of a conventional house.

You’ll Save a Ton of Money

For many people, this would be the single biggest drawcard to moving out of the big house and into a smaller, but still very comfortable, mobile home. Whether you currently own your own home or are renting it, your cost of living will be markedly reduced when you move into a mobile home, situated within a lovely mobile home park.

Either high rent or an oppressive mortgage can really be a constant drain on your finances. In fact, it’s usually the single greatest expense for most people. So if money is a bit of a struggle, the obvious place to start to reduce your spending is where you live.

Still, on the subject of cash flow, another thing to keep in mind is that your utility expenses, as well as expenses for maintenance and upkeep, will also be lower when you move into a smaller house.

What you’ll find is that you’ll have a lot more disposable income on hand every month to do other things; activities that maybe you haven’t been able to do in a long time because of financial constraints, like saving for that dream overseas vacation.

More Time To Enjoy Life

This point is just as important as having more money, and very much goes hand in hand with it. The reason you’ll find yourself with more free time is that you’re living in a smaller house. Your new home will be a lot faster to clean, easier to keep clean, and general maintenance and upkeep will be at a bare minimum.

With a regular house, there are lawns, gardens, and yards to look after. Plus, it can take hours or even a whole day to thoroughly clean a large home.

When you live in a mobile home park, the management takes care of the park’s maintenance. You’ll just have a small lot to look after, and that’ll be a breeze compared to looking after an entire yard.

More money and more time equal more freedom.

Enjoy a Real Sense of Community Spirit

This is something that can be very unique to living in a quality mobile home park, and that’s the community.

Good mobile home parks have a positive atmosphere. They’re well run and well looked after, and the residents are decent people who have chosen to live in a mobile home park to actually improve their quality of life overall.

You’ll find yourself forging many new and interesting friendships as you get to know your neighbors and park staff.

You Can Enjoy the Park’s Amenities

Just about all good mobile home parks will have public facilities and amenities to be enjoyed by park residents and their visitors. These might include a swimming pool, a game’s room, barbecue facilities, and outdoor dining areas.

Along with the fun stuff, there may be communal laundry, as well as toilet and shower blocks.

Larger mobile home parks might even have a small community hall for meetings and parties.

Enjoy a Stress-Free Lifestyle

It can be a bit like living in a holiday camp or a resort, with the facilities and the fun community vibe. With more free time and more cash in your pocket, you’ll be able to enjoy life a lot more and actually live rather than just exist each week, trying to come up with the money to pay the bills.

Mobile home living is about having more freedom, fewer responsibilities (especially financially), reducing the levels of stress in your day to day life and enabling you to start living the dream.

If you want to downsize, but you’ve never lived in a mobile home before, it’s well worth looking into.