Things You Must Consider When Remodeling Your Bathroom


There are many people who opt to remodel their bathrooms often do it for a number of reasons. Sometimes, they may not have enough bathing areas or have wiring problems. Sometimes, people need to add more accessories or upgrade their designs.

No matter what the reason is, before you opt for professional bathroom remodeling, Iowa, there are some things that you must consider. In this guide, you will learn about the top things to consider when you are going to remodel your bathroom.

Things to Consider When Remodeling Your Bathroom

Some of the important things to consider when remodeling your bathroom are as follows:

  • How much room do you require or a half bath?

Ideally, you can fit a sink and toilet into an 11-square-foot spot and still meet the national building codes. But for the sake of your comfort, you must look for an area that is around three to four feet wide and around six to eight feet long. You can check the local codes for extra requirements.

  • Design for better accessibility

Easy-to-grip lever faucets and handheld showers can suit people of all abilities, and you can put them anywhere. But you must plan for the permanent features early on; you must ensure the grab bars are secured to be able to block between wall studs, and they must be placed 33 to 36 inches off the bathroom floor. You can also consider a wider doorway, a barrier-free shower, or a lower sink height.

  • Wake up to a much warmer floor

You can opt to add an electric mat to boost the current heating system in your bathroom. It will take around 45 minutes to warm up, and you can use a thermostat to drive away the cold by the time the alarm clock goes off.

Contact Fashion Par Kitchens

If you want to opt for professional bathroom remodeling, Iowa, contact Fashion Par Kitchens today. They are one of the top local bathroom remodelers who can help remodel your bathroom the way you want.