The Fan That Offers You The Best Respite


Its summer, the temperature starts to rise. Rather than choosing an air conditioner that will increase the electricity bill in proportion to the drop in the temperature of your interior, you have decided to install a ceiling fan. How to choose it? We will see the key points to make the right choice.

First of all know that unlike an air conditioner, a ceiling fan will not induce a lower thermostat. In contrast, the ceiling fan causes an increase in the sensation of freshness. Indeed in temperature felt, you can lose up to 8 degrees. For this, you better choose contemporary fans.

What ceiling fan for my room:

Two parameters must be taken into account: the size of your room and the height under ceiling

The size of the room will influence the diameter of the fan:

  • Room less than 12 m2: Diameter between 76 and 90 cm in diameter
  • Room of entering 12 and 15 m2: About 105 cm in diameter
  • Room Between 15 and 20 m2: Between 112 and 122 cm in diameter
  • Room Between 20 and 30 m2: Approximately 132 cm in diameter.
  • Room of more than 30 m2: We advise you to install several ceiling fans

Ceiling height will affect the choice of a ceiling fan with a rod or not and possibly add an extension rod:

  • Ceiling Less than 2,5m high: You have to choose a flat fan or without rod
  • Ceiling For a height of 2,5m (standard height): You have the choice, with or without stem, and even with an extension rod.
  • Ceiling Over 2.5 m in height: Choose a ceiling fan with an extension rod

Tilt and number of a pale ceiling fan:

The nautical ceiling fans create fun. Do not be fooled by the number of blades, because this variable has no influence on the efficiency of the fan and ventilation in the room. The number of pale is just a matter of aesthetics, decor, and taste. On the other hand, it is the degree of inclination of the blades of the ceiling fan which will have some. This is usually between 10 and 18 degrees of inclination. The slimmer the ceiling fan is, the better the ceiling fan will be and will cool your home or interior.

To further increase the efficiency of your ceiling fan, you can opt for a ceiling fan with multiple speeds. Generally, the different ceiling fan manufacturer uses 2 to 5-speed fans, the fan will achieve faster the desired ventilation.

Winter function of a ceiling fan: what is it and what is it for?

We know that hot air tends to rise and store on the ceiling with temperatures that can differ between the floor and the ceiling of 4 to 6 degrees, that’s why floors or mezzanines are generally better heated. And the ceiling fan when it is reversible will redirect the warm air from the ceiling to the ground. As the heat is better distributed throughout the room, you do not need to increase the thermostat to achieve equivalent heat. In the end, a ceiling fan can be used in winter or in summer with a lot of energy savings.