How You Can Lower Your Environmental Impact with Solar Energy


You’ve likely heard of residential solar energy systems if you’re a homeowner. You might still be wondering why many property owners are switching to solar panels, a more sustainable form of energy. A solar energy system is a great option for anyone looking to lower their environmental footprint and reduce their monthly energy bills.

How Do Solar Panels Work

Solar panels for residential use work in a different way than traditional energy systems. Older energy systems used fossil fuels to produce electricity and energy for your home. This is bad for the environment as fossil fuels produce greenhouse gases, which can cause damage to the atmosphere’s ozone layer.

A residential solar energy system, on the other hand, uses panels to capture sunlight. The electricity is then converted to sunlight, which flows into your home and powers your appliances and electronics. This method is more sustainable because it consumes less energy and captures the sun’s rays even in cloudier, colder locations. As a result, you can expect lower monthly utility bills as well as a smaller environmental footprint when you make the switch to solar energy.

How Residential Solar Energy Systems Can Work In Your Home

All homeowners can benefit from solar energy. Solar solutions can store energy that can be used to generate electricity and this energy can be routed to many parts of your house. You can also reduce your energy costs by essentially eliminating or significantly reducing them. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that 25{9931f4b8f18f13807521e9d11c440a83933a615b045074a3eac2c2cae004b2ed} to 40{9931f4b8f18f13807521e9d11c440a83933a615b045074a3eac2c2cae004b2ed} of the energy used to heat or cool a house is wasted. This can lead to high energy bills and little return on investment. Solar panels will likely generate more energy than what you actually use. This means you might not need to pay much for energy usage over the long term. This allows you to save money over the long term and reduce your environmental impact quickly.

The Right Service For Solar Panel Installation

The key to any solar power solution is finding the right company to install it properly. It is worth looking for the best installers. Some state agencies and energy companies offer credit for customers who install sustainable energy systems. You can easily search your local area for companies that offer credit or grants to help you reduce the financial burden associated with switching your energy system.

Contact us today if you’re interested in residential-scale solar energy. We have the industry knowledge and experience to help you get started in installing a system that will reduce your monthly utility bills as well as your environmental impact. Consider installing a residential solar energy system in your neighborhood and be an example to others.

This post was written by Daniel Massaad, owner and expert solar technician at Energy Solutions Direct! ESD is one of the premier solar companies in Tampa Florida! Our licensed and certified contractors are masters of their craft; with years of experience servicing the great Tampa Bay area and beyond, the choice is simple. ESD excels at offering you the best in solar value!