How to Spruce Up the Efficiency of your Water Heater in 3 Easy Ways


The water heater is one of the most crucial elements in our home. That’s why it is paramount to check its integrity on every plumbing inspection. But did you know that the water heater is an energy guzzler? It consumes more energy than any other household appliance, except the central heating and cooling system.

What’s more, an inefficient water heater can cost you dearly. It not only doesn’t work as well, but an inefficient heater can also cost you more money to run. The good news is that enhancing the efficiency of your heater is easier than you think.

Here are 3 simple ways you can make your water heater more efficient – and save money while at it.

(1) Insulate the Tank and Pipes

When not insulated, pipes and water tanks tend to leak away heat. This can affect adversely your water heater’s efficiency. The more heat loss, the more heating you’ll require. Unfortunately, that means your water heater or boiler will have to work harder and longer to compensate.

When you insulate the pipes and tank, you keep in more heat and take some pressure off of your water heater. Just make sure to use high-quality insulation.

(2) Drain the Tank and Flush with Cold Water

With time, calcium, magnesium and other minerals accumulate in the tank of your water heater. If not cleared out, they can form sediments at the bottom of the tank, which is never good news. For one, it causes the heater to work extra hard, and cause the tank to rapture. Drain the tank to remove these sediments, and then flush them out with cold water.

(3) Repair Leaks

Leaky faucets, taps, sinks, showers, and other fixtures can lose lots of precious hot water. Call in a reputable plumber to fix all the leaks and improve your water heater’s efficiency.

So there we have it. But remember you can always hire a reputable plumber, such as Majestic Plumbers, to come out and check or repair your system. It is always better to get the assistance of an expert. And if you do have a plumbing emergency, Majestic Plumbers are here to assist.