How to Properly Store a Wood Furniture


Furniture, sometimes small and elegant, sometimes large and bulky, does require a hefty amount of planning to move and store. No matter if you’re hoping to store some of your items to clear the way for a home renovation or you’re starting to invest in older antiques and need a place to put them, choosing from a selection of Storage Units UK can be appropriate for your needs.

However, placing the item in storage is hardly the end of the story. We must also store in the right way, in a manner that preserves the long term safety and quality of the item in question. Furniture, after all, is an integral part of our homes, and so not only holds financial but sentimental value as well. Figuring out how to properly store a wooden furniture item needn’t be as complex as you’ve led yourself to believe.

It takes a little planning, a small amount of diligence and the willingness to check up on your items once in a while. If you can apply those three things, the battle is mostly won. However, while you’re at it, it can also be great form to implement some of the following advice:

Clean & Preserve

It’s important to thoroughly clean your furniture piece before putting it in storage. If there’s a hint of mold before you do, for example, you’ll likely not expect to see the item in better condition when you take off the dust sheets. A deep cleanse with warm and soapy water could be worthwhile depending on the item, provided you give it enough time to dry before transport. Next, using another coat of varnishing or a protective sealant to help coat the wood can help it stay in good condition for longer, and will prevent it from drying out too dramatically.

Cover & Lift

Lifting the item from the floor can be a good idea, as can coating the item in a dust sheet. This helps prevent the item from exposure to any contact points that may not be as helpful as you think. You may lift using a simple wooden sheet, or by stacking chairs upon one another to use an example. However, make sure that you’re not creating a precarious situation where furniture is often imbalanced and unable to enjoy safe, stable, long term storage reliability. After all, you may forget the careful setup you had implemented after a couple of months away, and you shouldn’t have to come back to your storage unit with a surprise.

Prevent Pests

Foodstuffs, old wood, and incorrectly protected items are a target of pests or little creatures hoping to make a home. It’s important that you don’t let them enter. Pest traps, keeping perishable items far away from the storage unit (such as opting not to eat and drop crumbs in the area while caring for your possession) can be important. If you do spot a pest, let the manager at the storage facility know, because they are dedicated to providing a continually hygienic space for any of their customers.