Cleaning Checklist: 6 Tips To Prepare Your Home For Viewing


Having a viewing schedule is crucial in order to sell or rent your house. However, not every homeowner have thought of cleaning their house before doing so.

According to Jacky Xu of Maid Sailors New York, “When you vacate your house or apartment, cleanliness can determine whether or not your security deposit is returned. This could mean a few thousand dollars ‒ money that could go toward making your new place feel like home.”

That said, here are six cleaning tips that can help prepare your home for viewing.

1. Eliminate the clutter

It is always a good idea to eliminate clutter for viewing prep. However, not everyone defines “clutter” the same way.

Keep in mind that clutter means all the trash and junk found in and around your house. Yes, we are talking about garbage. It is not the ornament, decorations, and displays on your shelf. Unless, of course, they are broken or tattered.

It is important for your home to look neat and presentable. However, it should not look like a blank canvass.

Keeping some items such as your family photo and some of the furniture gives your place a homey vibe. That way, you can show to your prospective buyers and tenants whether their way of life is suitable for the kind of space that you have.

It is also a great way to show examples of how every space in your home should be utilized.

2. Organize your stuff

Not every homeowner has the time to clean their house before a viewing. Which is why some would opt to hire professional cleaners.

However, you can help make the cleaning session easy by being productive during your spare time. For example, you can reorganize your stuff.

According to Ben Johnson, “If you have time to really reorganize, invest in some decent boxes and tidy your things away, neatly stacking them in the loft or even hiring a small storage unit.”

Sure, you can keep things away in your cupboard. However, there are potential buyers and tenants who would open these spaces. Maybe to inspect the size or see how they can organize their stuff once they move in.

So it is best that you keep your unwanted stuff in boxes and store them away in the garage or the attic.

3. Tidy up your curb

Do you know what a potential buyer or tenant sees first in a house? It’s your curb!

Keep in mind that first impressions count. In fact, your curb can set the tone for how your buyers and tenants will perceive your house. That’s why it is important that the exterior of your property is clutter-free.

Here are some quick tips that you can do to make your curb appealing:

  • Tidy up your garden
  • Line up your recycling bin (or hide them away)
  • Move your garden gnome collection
  • Relocate your bikes or park them properly
  • Park your car around the corner

Basically, you would want your visitors to see your house immediately. Plus, you have to make sure that they will fall in love with your property.

That way, you are sure to receive an offer before the viewing ends.

4. Clean your bathrooms

Although a buyer or tenant will need to see the entire house before making a decision, any room in your home can make or break that offer. One of these crucial rooms in your bathroom.

Why? That’s because this is where you spend most of your time whenever you start and end your day.

The bathroom is also one part of the house that is open to other members of the family, as well as friends and some visitors.

Here are some ways on how you can prep your bathroom for viewing:

  • Clear away your toiletries, medication, makeup, and anything that tends to accumulate in your bathroom.
  • Remove your kids’ bath toys.
  • Put out clean, dry, folded towels.
  • Make sure that your shower curtain is spotless.
  • Replace bath and shower sealants in case mold have already accumulated.
  • Open your bathroom windows to clear away excess moisture.

5. Make your bed

Other than the bathroom, you also need to make sure that all the bedrooms in your house are clean. If you do not have the time to do so, make sure to make your bed at the very least.

Dirt and clutter can be off-putting for your potential buyers or tenants. The same thing goes with a messy bed.

On the other hand, clean bedding makes your bedroom look fresh. Not to mention that your bedroom, which is a personal space, suggests how you maintain and keep your entire house.

As Oliver German puts it, “The bedroom should be a calming space and buyers need to imagine winding down in there after a long day. There’s nothing worse than being greeted by a musty smell or unmade bed when viewing a property, so clean bedsheets, and an open window is essential.”

6. Make your home fragrant

Aside from the dust and clutter, a foul smell can deter a homebuyer. It can even distract them from making a buying decision!

Thus, it makes sense to think that a fragrant home can sway a potential buyer or tenant to make an offer.

That said, it is imperative that you check whether your house stinks and take the time to address it prior to home viewing. Once done, you can set up your home to make sure that it smells nice on viewing day.

Here are some tips you can apply to get a quick win:

  • Brew some coffee
  • Light a scented candle
  • Use air freshener

Regardless, it is advisable that you only use on single scent or fragrance. Otherwise, your potential buyers might find the mix of scents appalling.

Remember, one key to getting your house sold or rented is to have a viewing. However, it is important that your house is clean, clutter-free, and presentable before doing so. That way, it can feel homey and comfortable for your prospects. Good thing, you now have these cleaning tips that can help you sell or rent your house in no time.