10 Tips For Running Your Air Conditioning North Shore More Efficiently


If you have an air conditioner in your home, you know that it costs a lot of money to run. If you’re looking for ways to cut back on how much energy you use, here are a few tips to help keep your Air Conditioning North Shore running efficiently:

  • Check Your Filter

Check your air filter and replace it if necessary. Dirty filters can reduce airflow through the system by as much as 30{9f30b4dbdf34a781533c7673816f6a373b6b456ff457a587e890da8d56a91609}. They also increase energy use and wear and tear on your equipment. Additionally, they make your house feel stuffy because they reduce fresh air circulation through your home and cause dust to build up inside the ductwork system instead of being expelled outside through the return vent on top of your roof (see below). Always replace filters at least once per year.

  • Clean The Coils

The coils are what cools down your home, and they need to be cleaned regularly to ensure that they’re working properly. That’s why many newer models include cleaning cycles that help keep them running efficiently. If yours doesn’t have a self-cleaning feature, use a garden hose with some soap to clean them off once a month or so.

  • Temperature And Thermostat

The temperature on your thermostat should be set no higher than 78 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius). This will help prevent excessive use of energy and save money. If you need to cool down a room faster, turn the fan on high instead of turning up the temperature.

  • Refrigerant Leaks

If you have a leak in your evaporator coil or compressor, the refrigerant will leak out, and you will not be able to cool your home. You can find leaks using a UV dye, which is sprayed on the tubing and will highlight any leaks with bright blue spots. To fix a leak, you must replace the part that leaked out with more refrigerant.

  • Check For Proper Airflow

You want to make sure that air is moving through your house properly so that it can be cooled by your air conditioner. If there are any blockages in your ductwork, then this will stop air from flowing freely through it and make your home colder than it should be. You can check for blockages by looking at the outside of your ductwork through any holes or cracks in them.

  • Insulate Ducts And Pipes

Homes with central air conditioning North Shore systems typically have metal ducts that carry cool air from the unit throughout the house. If you have access to these ducts, wrap them with insulation to reduce heat loss. You can also insulate pipes that carry hot water from your water heater through the attic or crawlspace to reach your thermostat.

  • Check The Fan Belt

If you have an AC unit with a belt, it’s important to make sure that belt is in good shape and not loose or ready to break. If it is, you’ll need to replace it. A broken belt can cause major damage to your AC unit and cost a lot of money to repair. The good news is that most of these units have easy access panels, so replacing a broken belt isn’t hard at all.

  • Keep It Shaded Outside

Most people don’t realize that the sun can have a huge impact on how much energy your air conditioner uses. If you live in a hot climate, keep your AC units shaded from direct sunlight. If you don’t have the option to shade it yourself, then install blinds or curtains that will keep out the light.

  • Upgrade And Repair If Needed

If you have an older model of air conditioning North Shore system, consider replacing it with a more energy-efficient model that operates more efficiently and costs less to operate over time. Newer models use less electricity than older ones do — which means they cost less to run each month — but they also may be more expensive up front than their counterparts were when they were new on the market.

  •  Inspect Your Ductwork

You can inspect your ductwork by looking for leaks around seams or joints between different parts of the system. These leaks can cause moisture damage and mold growth inside your home if left unaddressed for too long — not only does this make for an unpleasant smell, but it also puts you at risk for breathing in potentially harmful toxins from these microorganisms as well! If any leaks are found, take care of them immediately by securing any loose joints with tape or by replacing damaged parts altogether if needed (be sure to get a professional to help with this step).


With increased global temperatures due to climate change, running your air conditioning North Shore efficiently is not only environmentally responsible, but it’s also a necessity. These 10 tips will help you keep your electricity bill in check while still getting the cool air you need.