Local Records Office Makes It Easy to Sell a House Fast Without Renovation in 2020


BELLFLOWER, CA – If you ask someone how to sell your home fast you’ll likely hear renovation advice. Things like “add on a new bedroom” or “update the kitchen”. Local Records Office in Bellflower, California suggests that when you’re in the process of buying and moving into a new home, putting more money into your current house doesn’t make a lot of sense. Even if you’re just flipping houses, big renovations can quickly cut into your profits. Selling a house fast without renovation is completely possible though and we’re here to tell you how to do it.

Selling a House Fast Without Renovation

Having renovations done on a home cannot only be expensive but it can also be time-consuming. Many projects can take weeks if not months and if you’re trying to sell your home fast, you don’t have that kind of time, according to the Local Records Office. Keep reading below and we’ll tell you how you can spruce up your home without spending a ton of money or time. Following these tips will ensure your success in selling a house fast without renovation.

Clean Up & Update the Exterior

You can hire a landscaper to help with this part. However, if you’re trying to save money it is definitely something that can be done yourself. The first thing you should do is stand outside of your home, across the street, as if you were going to take a picture of it. What do you notice? What draws your eyes? If it’s something negative like an ugly mailbox, then invest in a new one. If it’s something positive like the front door is beautiful, then add something to draw focus to it like a colorful doormat.

Local Records Office believes that first impressions are important. If the outside of your home doesn’t look appealing, its likely buyers will skip on by it and look at the next home. Here are some general steps you can follow to make the exterior of your home more attractive without spending a lot of money:

  1. Mow the lawn
  2. Trim trees, bushes, shrubs, etc.
  3. Pick up any debris, rake up leaves, and sweep all walkways
  4. Plant flowers
  5. Clean the windows and doors
  6. Add small details like a wind chime and rocking chair on the front porch

Make the Interior Look Like New

Thankfully, you don’t have to spend a lot of money in order to make a home look like new. Selling a house fast without renovation usually involves more elbow grease than money. That is especially true for the interior of a home. Working hard and scrubbing a home from top to bottom can really make a big difference.

Declutter the home first and then depersonalize it by removing things like family photos, awards, and items with your name on it, etc. Once that is done, it’s time to deep clean everything. If possible, now would be the time to call in a professional to clean all of the carpets (if applicable).

Here are some other inexpensive tips to spruce up the interior of your home:

  • Applying a fresh coat of paint in the whole house or where needed most
  • Hire a professional to clean all the carpeting
  • Do small repairs like patching holes, caulking, replacing cabinet knobs, broken lights, etc.
  • Clean, clean, and then clean some more
  • Install small upgrades like a ceiling fan, lighting fixtures, or shelving
  • Stage your home or hire a professional to stage your home

Hire a Professional Agent

Hiring a professional real estate agent can help immensely in selling your house fast without renovation. Working with a real estate agent offers many benefits including knowing how to list your home, at what price, and how to market it. They can also mention renovation loans in your listing and talk to buyers about it. Renovation loans allow buyers to include the potential renovation costs when requesting for their loan. When buyers are approved for this type of loan, they will receive a higher loan amount and get that money in stages to pay for larger renovations.

Local Records Office Advices to Focus on What You Already Have

If you can’t add anything to your home then focus on what already makes it great! When making an online listing, these little details can be especially important. Highlight storage spaces like closets, laundry rooms, and the garage. What are the distinguishing features of your home? Does it have a fireplace, an outside patio, or large, open windows? Write down all of the features you can think of and then take photos of them. Use this information in your online listing to talk about what makes your home great instead of what might need work.

Make Sure You Price It Right

Local Records Office highlights that one of the biggest problems people has selling a house fast without renovation is setting the right price. Once completing a lot of the tips above and investing some money into it, you may feel like you can price your home a little higher. However, if major renovations still need to be done like new appliances, flooring, roofing, etc. then it’s important you don’t price too high.

This is another part where a professional real estate agent can help. They can help calculate what homes are going for in your area and how to price properly. They can also assist you in figuring out the value of your home if you were to renovate it. This can help you make the right choice in whether investing more money is the right choice or not.

Selling a House Fast Without Renovation is Possible According to the Local Records Office

Selling a house fast without renovation is completely possible! All it takes is a little time and sometimes a little bit of money, too. Planting some flowers outside after you clean up and painting the walls on the inside after you’ve had the carpets professionally cleaned are just some of the things you can do to help. We also recommend hiring a professional real estate agent to assist you in pricing your house properly and letting you know if any further renovations would be worth it.

Local Records Office Helps Potential Homeowners Take the First Leap Towards Being a Homeowner During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Local Records Office in Bellflower, California is helping families take the first step to being a homeowner during the COVID-19 pandemic. Home sellers and buyers are holding back in 2020 because of the coronavirus but what some people don’t see is that home sellers are trying to get rid of property left and right so they are offering great deals.

Being a homeowner in 2020 is one of the goals that many people are accomplishing now more than ever. Whether you’re a homebuyer or home seller the Local Records Office is here to help.