TPO Roofing with Its Pros and Cons


TPO is “thermoplastic polyolefin”, which is a “single-ply” material for roofing covering the top of the roof. Its name is a tad deceptive since it is not actually plastic – TPO is one of several various kinds of rubber, with the majority being a mix of “ethylene-propylene” and polypropylene rubber.

This is one of the fastest-growing types of roofing for flat roofs, especially on commercial buildings. It is inexpensive and is a thin roofing material and it is gaining great popularity with most building owners who want a reflective roof that is durable and that will not cost a small fortune. To learn more about this type of roofing go to


The positives of this type of roofing include a large advantage of having the choices in how it is installed. Other pros include:

  • Cheapest material on the market today.
  • Color – white on top reflecting sun’s light stopping heat buildup.
  • Attached or fastened in different ways.
  • Welded to any protrusions such as chimneys.
  • Resistant to corrosion and breakdown from various materials.
  • Prevent algae or mildew growth.
  • No pressure washing is needed.


But when looking into using TPO roofing, there is a list of cons that outweighs the positives. While it cost less and is white in color, various manufacturers of TPO roofing can make products that are vastly different. This means that you might get a good roof from one manufacturer but can pay the same price and buy one that is constructed very poorly. Added to this uncertainty is the fact that there is a wide range of thicknesses. Most buyers mistakenly believe that the materials that are thicker are of better quality and last longer. But thickness has little to no connection to the quality or how long it will last. These need to be taken into consideration when buying TPO roofing.