4 Warning Signs on a Home’s Exterior


Looking at new homes is always a slightly daunting experience, but one way you can make things easier on yourself is to find time to inspect the exterior of a house before you make an appointment for a showing on the interior. Here are four things to look out for when inspecting the outside of a home.


While not exactly pleasant, it can be a good idea to pay a visit during or after a rainstorm. That will allow you to inspect the drainage of water on the property. Take note of any areas where water pools on the lot, and especially any areas where water is draining towards the property itself; those are problem areas for drainage issues in the future. Bad drainage may require extensive work in the future such as building new drainage ditches or regrading the entire lot.

External Concrete

Issues with the external concrete on a property are also a sign that the property may need extensive work in the near future. If the concrete slab is visible, inspect it carefully for cracks or unevenness on the surface. If you do find something, you’ll want to add a rider addressing it to any deal involving the property: slab repairs are vital to prevent more serious issues down the line.


It can be tricky to get a good view of a roof from the ground, but you should keep an eye out for any obvious damage to the roof of the property when doing your initial inspection. Roof problems frequently lead to further issues inside the house if not addressed, particularly water damage, and you’ll want to identify problem areas early on. It may be necessary to clear trees from the property or take other steps to ensure the integrity of the roof.

Windows and Doors

Inspecting the function of windows and exterior doors can tell you a lot about the overall condition of a home. For instance, windows and doors that don’t seem to close right may indicate further issues with the home’s foundation, as structural warping has occurred so that the frame no longer fits properly around the door or window. Areas around windows and doors are also a likely location for water and insect ingress, so double-check caulking, sills, and thresholds for gaps.

Interiors and exteriors present very different concerns, so it can be worth your time to split them up and address the exterior on one day and the interior on another. Do your research on any needed exterior repairs to make sure you aren’t stuck with expensive bills after the deal goes through.